Cheryl Vandiver

I vividly remember sitting on the ground under the clothesline on a bright April day in 2020. The sky was brilliant blue and beautifully clear. The air was crisp and cool. The grass was alive. All of nature was practically bursting with the joy of spring. I, however, was crying. After years of self-induced money madness, I was once again at the end of my resources. I had maxed out my credit cards—again, and the minimum payments were all I felt I could afford to pay.
The debt I owed felt overwhelming. I had been here before, but this time was different. The septic system was shot and had to be replaced. And my credit was already maxed. I had no more “temporary” fixes to employ. And on top of this, it was 2020: the year of COVID-19. Overnight my source of income was threatened. I felt the weight of the instability I had created for myself. Despair and disgust overwhelmed me as I thought about the financial chaos I had created. I was angry with myself for the choices I had made that put me in this position. I was too embarrassed to ask my family for help…again. I knew something had to change. I absolutely could not continue the same pattern of self-sabotage and indebtedness that was consuming my life.
In desperation I prayed. Right there under the clothesline I confessed my shame and humiliation, my foolish heart, and my habitually poor choices. I begged God to grant me wisdom and to speak clearly enough that even I would hear and understand what to do next. I truly was asking for a way out—out of the dark cycles that kept me feeling inadequate and broke. God heard my desperation and sent help in two ways: First, the miracle of an unexpected, ready-made offer to buy my house. Second, the gift of a confident financial coach who was able to convince me that if I were truly ready to change, my story would never be the same. With my coach's guidance I would develop a new way of viewing money and begin the process of change to no longer repeat the patterns that had led to my constant lack.
Over the course of a very painful year of discovery wrestling pride and inertia, God's answers to my prayer allowed me to completely change the trajectory of my finances for life! Now I am experiencing a joy and freedom regarding finances I never dreamt possible. This year I am practically bursting with the joy of spring! I feel so much gratitude for the newness of life that God has given me and now feel able to join with nature in celebrating the bounty of His extravagant provision!

The biggest surprise over this past year of transformation has been the awakening of care and concern for others. I have freedom now to think about and actually see others. I long to let everyone know freedom from fear and insufficiency when they consider their personal finances. Following God's wisdom and direction, I am now in a position to offer hope as a financial coach.
I feel a burning passion to help others learn to view their resources in a way that brings life and gratitude not only for themselves, but also for others. It is my hope that together with all of nature we can proclaim the beauty of God’s good and bountiful provision now and forever.
Little did I realize when I was sitting on the ground under the clothesline with a broken heart on that April day it would be such a pivotal moment in my life and that the brokenness I felt was actually an invitation to step into the biggest adventure yet!

Cheryl Vandiver
PIM Financial Coaching